James H. Baker Sixth Grade Campus La Porte ISD | La Porte, TX
This project included the replacement of an existing, out-of-date, inefficient facility with a new two-story, sixth grade only facility designed for a core capacity of 855 students. The existing facility would remain in use while the new facility was constructed on the same site.
Additionally, the site also included the District Technology Center and a public gym and athletic field that had to remain operational during construction. Careful planning with all stakeholders and Design Team created a phased plan that allowed the most efficient construction schedule while providing a safe campus.
The facility consists of new academic areas that provide technology and collaboration spaces. The learning resource center includes the infrastructure to support a digital learning environment. The school also includes two gymnasiums, a fine arts suite, commons and dining facilities. The facility is designed with the goal of providing ample space for circulation, collaborative areas, wireless technology, security and off-hours use. Daylighting and durable materials permeate the school. The exterior features red brick and cut limestone accents at entry/exit points. A unique architectural character was achieved with a combination of undulating metal pipe columns and metal-clad porches. A security vestibule and electronic access system was integrated into the main entry space for improved safety and operations.
“This facility is a designated storm shelter for the community. It was designed to meet windstorm construction requirements and features a standard emergency generator that was augmented with a power transfer switchgear for portable power generation.”
—Daniel Brewster, Director | Houston Office Lead | Managing Principal